The Ultimate Guide to ABDC Journal List: How to Publish Your Research Fast


As an academic researcher, getting published in journals is a crucial part of my career development. When I first started out, I found it challenging to navigate through the various academic journals and their categories. However, as I gained experience, I discovered the ABDC Journal List, which has become a go-to resource for publishing my research. In this article, I will provide a comprehensive guide to the ABDC Journal List, including what it is, its importance, and how to use it to get your research published quickly.

Introduction to ABDC Journal List

What is ABDC Journal List?

The ABDC Journal List is a ranking of business and management journals that are recognized by the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC). The ABDC Journal List is a highly respected resource used by academics around the world to determine the quality of a journal and its category ranking.

Importance of publishing in ABDC Journals

Getting published in an ABDC-listed journal is a significant accomplishment for any academic researcher. ABDC journals are recognized for their high-quality research and rigorous editorial standards. Therefore, publishing your research in an ABDC-listed journal can significantly enhance your academic reputation and career prospects.

How to get published in ABDC Journals

Getting published in an ABDC-listed journal requires a thorough understanding of the journal's submission guidelines, the research methodology, and the editorial process. Here are some tips to increase your chances of getting published in an ABDC-listed journal:

  1.  Choose the right journal: Select a journal that matches the scope and nature of your research.
  2. Follow the submission guidelines: Ensure that you follow the journal's submission guidelines to the letter. This includes formatting, referencing, and word limits.
  3. Highlight the significance of your research: Explain the significance of your research in the context of the journal's field.
  4. Get feedback: Seek feedback from colleagues and peers to improve the quality of your research paper.

Understanding ABDC Journal categories and rankings

The ABDC Journal List categorizes journals into four broad categories: A, A, B, and C. These categories are based on the quality of the research published in the journal and the rigor of the editorial process. The highest category, A, is reserved for journals that publish the most influential and significant research in their field.

The ABDC Journal List also ranks journals within each category according to their impact factor. The impact factor is a metric used to measure the frequency with which articles in a particular journal are cited in other scholarly publications. The higher the impact factor, the more influential the journal is in its field.

ABDC Journal List criteria for evaluation

The ABDC Journal List evaluates journals based on several criteria, including:

  1. Editorial processes: The journal's editorial policies and procedures for ensuring the quality of published research.
  2. Research quality: The quality and rigor of the research published in the journal.
  3. Citation impact: The frequency with which articles in the journal are cited in other scholarly publications.
  4. International reach: The extent to which the journal is read and cited by researchers around the world.

Top ABDC Journals in different fields

The ABDC Journal List features top journals in various fields, including accounting, marketing, finance, and management. Here are some of the top journals in these fields:

  1.  Accounting: Accounting, Organizations and Society; Journal of Accounting Research; The Accounting Review.
  2. Marketing: Journal of Marketing; Journal of Consumer Research; Marketing Science.
  3. Finance: Journal of Finance; Review of Financial Studies; Journal of Financial Economics.
  4. Management: Academy of Management Journal; Strategic Management Journal; Administrative Science Quarterly.

How to use ABDC Journal List for research

The ABDC Journal List is a valuable resource for researchers looking to publish their work in high-quality journals. Here are some ways to use the ABDC Journal List for your research:

  1.  Identify top journals: Use the ABDC Journal List to identify top journals in your field that are recognized for their quality and rigor.
  2. Evaluate journal quality: Use the ABDC Journal List to evaluate the quality of a journal before submitting your research for publication.
  3. Stay up-to-date: Use the ABDC Journal List to stay up-to-date with the latest research in your field by regularly reading articles published in top ABDC-listed journals.

ABDC Journal List FAQs

Q. What is the ABDC Journal List?

The ABDC Journal List is a ranking of business and management journals that are recognized by the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC).

Q. Why is the ABDC Journal List important?

The ABDC Journal List is important because it provides a benchmark for evaluating the quality of business and management journals. It is used by academics worldwide to determine the prestige and reputation of a journal.

Q. How can I use the ABDC Journal List to get my research published?

You can use the ABDC Journal List to identify top journals in your field, evaluate their quality, and stay up-to-date with the latest research. By publishing your research in an ABDC-listed journal, you can enhance your academic reputation and career prospects.


The ABDC Journal List is an essential resource for academic researchers looking to publish their work in high-quality business and management journals. By understanding the ABDC Journal List's categories and rankings, researchers can identify top journals, evaluate their quality, and increase their chances of getting published. As a researcher, I have found the ABDC Journal List to be an invaluable tool for advancing my academic career.


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